The FSU Panama City Promise


Last Thursday, October 10, was the first anniversary of Hurricane Michael ravaging our beautiful community, and surrounding areas. There have been many stories about people outside of the area not having any knowledge of the tremendous damage, and how long the recovery will take.

The people within this region are hard-working, dedicated and resilient. Every day we see improvements to our infrastructure, and businesses reopening. I am convinced that this area will not only recover but will also have an economic renaissance. I see it in my work with the local economic development officials as we continue to meet with many companies interested in expanding to the region.

A significant part of that economic renaissance is evaluating the work we do, and how we do it. Over the past six months, a group of dedicated volunteers, faculty, staff, and students from our campus has been developing a new strategic plan for FSU PC for the next five years. That process included identifying our core values — what makes this place so special, and what students can count on.

We call it the FSU PC Promise! We make the following promises to every one of our students:

We Promise To Be Your Partner

— as you pursue your academic goals at one of America’s great public research universities. Through small classes, individual attention, and working with mentors, you will have the greatest potential for academic, career, and professional development!

We Promise You Will Be Prepared

— as you move into the workforce or onto graduate school. The high academic standards, our commitment to helping you succeed, and your opportunity to participate in experimental learning, undergraduate research, and community service will advocate your success!

We Promise You Can Set Your Path

— through engaging in group and individualized projects, providing separate pathways, and participating in hands-on learning experiences directly tied to your academic career. You can count on us working with you to meet your individual goals!

We Promise FSU Will Always Be Your Home

— even after graduation, this partnership is more than a commitment for a few years. You will leave with greater critical thinking skills, a love for learning, and understanding the importance of being an engaged member of your community. Together, we will make sure that FSU continues to meet the needs of students just like you.

That’s our promise to our students. It is also a critical component of the recovery and economic renaissance of this area. We understand that we must play a major role in that recovery and revitalization, and we will start every day by focusing on the students, and student success that’s our promise!